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Ride sharing for Gaeta

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:16 pm
by akryshtafovych
Information on how to get to the meeting venue in Gaeta can be found here: ... ctions.cgi.

You can use this forum for coordination of ride sharing from the airport directly to Gaeta.

Ride sharing for Gaeta

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:26 am
by LukaszK
Dear all,

We have two spare seats in a rented car.
I and my colleague will arrive at Fiumicino airport at 14:00 On Dec. 9th.

Anyone that would like to share a ride to or from Gaeta with me and my colleague, please send me a private message for more information: lukaskoz[at]genesilico[dot]pl

Thanks for your attention and see u at the conference.
