Abstracts should be up to 2 pages long. If you have a longer abstract - please shorten it to the required size before sending to us (you can post the longer version of the abstract at FORCASP). Header: In the first line please specify your Group_Name: Arial 12pt., bold, left-justified. Skip one line if you are not using template file for editing (header spacing in the template file takes care of this automatically). Abstract title: Times New Roman 12pt., bold, centered, Title Case. Skip one line if you are not using template file for editing. Authors: Times New Roman 12pt., centered. Your institution: Times New Roman 10, italic, centered. E-mail of the corresponding author: Times New Roman 10, centered. Skip one line before the body of the abstract. Body: Throughout the text please use Times New Roman, 10pt. and single spacing. Start new paragraphs with an indentation. Refer to citations using superscript mode. Section titles (Methods, Results, Availability): Times New Roman 10pt., left-justified. Skip section titles for Introduction and Literature. Citations: No Literature or any other word to start the citation part, just skip one line before the reference block. No indentation from the left margin. Use similar to the JMB style but no spaces between the last name and the initials. Continue with the next reference immediately (no empty lines in between). End your abstract with two empty lines.