Total Number of Contacts (No. conts)

The number of inter-domain contacts (< 8A between CB atoms in residues from different domains).

Total Number of Clashes (No.clash)

The number of residue clashes (|CB-CB| < 3.5A) between residues from different domains.

F1, Precision, Recall, Jaccard coefficient.

Weighted sums (across all interfaces) of the corresponding measures. The score for each domain-domain interface is weighted by the number of contacts in the corresponding interface in the target.


Precision is the percentage of correct inter-domain contacts in the model. The precision is calculated according to the formula:
Prec = TP/Np * 100%,
where TP is the number of inter-domain contacts in the model that are also present in the target,
Np is the number of all inter-domain contacts in the model.


Recall is the percentage of correctly reproduced native inter-domain contacts. The recall is calculated according to the formula:
Recall = TP/Nc *100%,
where TP is the number of inter-domain contacts in the model that are also present in the target,
Nc is the number of all inter-domain contacts in the target.


F1 is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall and is calculated according to the formula:
F1 = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall) * 100%.

Jaccard Coefficient

Jaccard Coefficient shows similarity of the target and model interfaces and is calculated on residues involved in interchain contacts. The Jaccard Coefficient is calculated according to the formula:
Jaccard Coefficient = (M11)/(M10+M10+M11),
where M01 is the number of the model domain interface residues that are not present in the target domain interface,
M10 is the number of the target interface residues that are not present in the model interface,
M11 is the number of interface residues that are present both in the model and the target.

Contact Agreement Score (QS)

The QS score reflects the fraction of correctly modeled interface contacts in the structure (numerator) over the maximum number of either correct or predicted contacts (denominator).


The lDDT_w score calculates the differences of the inter-atomic distances in model and target.

Global RMSD

The global RMSD from the superposition of all domains based on the lowest RMSD domain matching.

Interface Residue RMSD

The minimum RMSD of the superposition between target and model chains based on the interacting residues in the target.