Protein Structure Prediction Center
Success Stories From Recent CASPs
ab initio
help structural
refinement data-assisted
assembly modeling

CASP15 (2022) showed enormous progress in modeling multimolecular protein complexes.
The assembly modeling (a.k.a. quaternary structure modeling, oligomeric modeling, multimeric modeling) has been assessed in CASP since 2016 (CASP12). Typically, models were of good accuracy when templates were available for the structure of the whole target complex. After the success of AlphaFold2 in CASP14 (2020), it was expected that deep learning methodology that brought monomeric modeling to qualitatively new level will be extended to multimeric modeling. Indeed, CASP15 showed that newly developed methods are capable of accurate reproducing structures of oligomeric complexes and outperform CASP14 methods by a large margin. In particular, the accuracy of models almost doubled in terms of the Interface Contact Score (ICS a.k.a. F1) and increased by 1/3 in terms of the overall fold similarity score LDDTo (left panel). An impressive example of multimeric modeling is shown in the right panel below.

CASP15: T1113o 
model 239_2: F1=92.2; LDDTo=0.913

Welcome to the Protein Structure Prediction Center!

Our goal is to help advance the methods of identifying protein structure from sequence. The Center has been organized to provide the means of objective testing of these methods via the process of blind prediction. The Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction (CASP) experiments aim at establishing the current state of the art in protein structure prediction, identifying what progress has been made, and highlighting where future effort may be most productively focused.

There have been fifteen previous CASP experiments. The sixteenth experiment is planned to start in May 2024. Description of these experiments and the full data (targets, predictions, interactive tables with numerical evaluation results, dynamic graphs and prediction visualization tools) can be accessed following the links:

CASP1 (1994) | CASP2 (1996) | CASP3 (1998) | CASP4 (2000) | CASP5 (2002) | CASP6 (2004) | CASP7 (2006) | CASP8 (2008) | CASP9 (2010) | CASP10 (2012) | CASP11 (2014) | CASP12 (2016) | CASP13 (2018) | CASP14 (2020) | CASP15 (2022) | CASP16 (2024)

Raw data for the experiments held so far are archived and stored in our data archive.

Details of the experiments have been published in a scientific journal Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics. CASP proceedings include papers describing the structure and conduct of the experiments, the numerical evaluation measures, reports from the assessment teams highlighting state of the art in different prediction categories, methods from some of the most successful prediction teams, and progress in various aspects of the modeling.
Prediction methods are assessed on the basis of the analysis of a large number of blind predictions of protein structure. Summary of numerical evaluation of the tertiary structure prediction methods tested in the latest CASP experiment can be found on this web page. The main numerical measures used in evaluations, data handling procedures, and guidelines for navigating the data presented on this website are described in [1] .

Some of the best performing methods are implemented as fully automated servers and therefore can be used by public for protein structure modeling.

To proceed to the latest CASP experiment click on the logo below:

CASP14 Home

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Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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