homology modeling

homology modeling

Postby spiderman on Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:45 pm

Hi! Is there any server that can do full chain homology modeling by template specfied? Who knows! Thanks very much!

Re: homology modeling

Postby DentalCommander on Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:06 pm

This option has been available for some time at our Protinfo server:

As well, we are beta testing a similar method to build protein complexes. Please try this server and let us know if there are problems with performance at (jhorst@compbio.washington.edu)
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Re: homology modeling

Postby rollyman on Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:55 am

Initial testing has begun !

I've submitted a first set of jobs using the methods of fold constraints (we derive a set of constraints and fold from scratch using those constraints) and looprelax (we start with a rigid core, taken from each template, and model in the loops).

The purpose here is mainly to test that the automatic machinery to set up, submit and analyse the benchmark works. There may well be stupid errors occuring here still, i've extensively tested all this locally on our computing facilities in the lab first, but you never know. ;)

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Re: homology modeling

Postby AlexanderSimmons on Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:21 am

In my point of view major limitation of this technique is the accessibility of homologous templates. only regions of the protein according to an identified template can be modeled accurately.
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